Aquatic Entomology
Our lab aims to understand how aquatic macroinvertebrates process and transfer energy and cycle material in streams and wetlands.
We quantify the role of insects and their relatives in freshwater.
We study aquatic insects because they
are diverse and sensitive to changes in the environment.
are important food for other organisms.
recycle nutrients that are used by other organisms.
Current Projects:
– The influences of hydrology and vegetation on macroinvertebrate communities across geographically isolated wetlands.
– The presence of rare aquatic invertebrates in freshwater springs in Shenandoah National Park.
– Aquatic insect compositional and functional responses to best management practices in small watersheds.
– Salinizaton at the riparian-stream interface.
– Mining-induced salinization affects macroinvertebrate community structure and function in headwater streams.