* student author
- Walker, R., Belvin*, A., Mouser J., Pennino, A., Plont, S., Robinson, C., Smith, L., Thapa, J., Zipper, C., Angermeier, P., Entrekin, S. 2023. Global Review reveals how disparate study motivations, analytical designs, and focal ions limit understanding of salinization effects on freshwater animals. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 892
- Clay, N. A., M. C. Herrmann, M. A. Evans-White, S. A. Entrekin, and C. West. 2023. Sodium as a subsidy in the spring: Evidence for a phenology of sodium limitation. Oecologia 201:783–795.
- James*, A., R. Pence, G. Pond, S. Schoenholtz, A. Timpano, C. Zipper, and S. Entrekin. 2022. Taxon and trait-based sampling curves can be used as a tool for assessing impairment in salinized headwater streams. Ecological Indicators 139:108942.
- Herrmann MC, Entrekin SA, Evans-White MA, Clay NA (2022) Salty water and salty leaf litter alters riparian detrital processes: evidence sodium-addition laboratory mesocosm experiments. Sci Total Environ 806:151392
- Connor P. Gruntz, Sally A. Entrekin, Michelle A. Evans-White, Natalie A. Clay. 2022. Too much of a good thing: Evidence of sodium stress in an inland subtropical riparian detrital system, Applied Soil Ecology, Volume 169, 2022, 104194, ISSN 0929-1393.
- M.C. Herrmann, S.A. Entrekin, M.A. Evans-White, N.A. Clay. 2021. Salty water and salty leaf litter alters riparian detrital processes: Evidence from sodium-addition laboratory mesocosm experiments, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 806, Part 4, 2022, 151392, ISSN 0048-9697,
- Bosio, SF, Shirey, PD, Entrekin, SA, et al. Dynamics of large wood added to Midwestern USA streams. River Res Applic. 2021; 37: 843– 857.
- Vanlandingham A, Walker R, Alford A, Entrekin S.A. Intermittency mediates macroinvertebrate and crayfish effects on leaf breakdown in temperate headwater streams. Freshwater Science
- Trentman, M.T., Tank, J.L., Braund, D. Entrekin, S.A. Agricultural layering explains variation in sediment P dynamics in streams draining two distinct agricultural biomes. Aquat Sci 83, 7 (2021).
- Entrekin, S A., E J. Rosi, J. L. Tank, T. J. Hoellein, and G. A. Lamberti. 2020. Quantitative Food Webs Indicate Modest Increases in the Transfer of Allochthonous and Autochthonous C to Macroinvertebrates Following a Large Wood Addition to a Temperate Headwater Stream. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2020): 114.
- Smartt* A., Evans-White M., Halvorson* H.M., Entrekin, S.A., Scott, J.T. In-revision. Leaf-litter phosphatase activity, respiration, stoichiometry, and decomposition as phosphorus enrichment endpoints: a laboratory experiment. Freshwater Science.
- Bates, A.L., Walker R.H., Alford A., and Entrekin, S.A. In review. Hydrology mediates biological control of leaf decomposition in streams. Freshwater Science.
- Stepanian, P.M., Entrekin S.A., Wainwright C.E., Mirkovic D., Tank J.L. and Kelly J.F. 2020. Declines in an abundant aquatic insect, the burrowing mayfly, across major North American waterways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
- Halvorson*, H.M., Fuller*, C.L., Entrekin, S.A., Scott, J.T. and Evans-White, M.A., 2019. Interspecific homeostatic regulation and growth across aquatic invertebrate detritivores: a test of ecological stoichiometry theory. Oecologia, 190(1), pp.229-242.
- Tiegs, S.D., Costello, D.M., Isken, M.W., Woodward, G., McIntyre, P.B., Gessner, M.O., Chauvet, E., Griffiths, N.A., Flecker, A.S., Acuña, V. and Albariño, R., 2019. Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances, 5(1), p.eaav0486.
- Entrekin, S.A., Clay, N.A., Mogilevski*, A., Howard-Parker, B. and Evans-White, M.A., 2018. Multiple riparian–stream connections are predicted to change in response to salinization. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1764), p.20180042.
- Halvorson, H.M., Fuller*, C.L., Entrekin, S.A., Scott, J.T. and Evans‐White, M.A., 2018. Detrital nutrient content and leaf species differentially affect growth and nutritional regulation of detritivores. Oikos.
- Entrekin, S., Howard-Parker, B., Evans-White, M. and Clay, N., 2018. Biological and Ecological Consequences of Sub-Lethal Ion Concentrations on Microbial and Macroinvertebrate Detritivores. Arkansas Bulletin of Water Research.
- Entrekin, S.A., Austin, B.J., Evans-White, M.A. and Haggard, B.E., 2018. Establishing the linkage among watershed threats, in-stream alterations and biological responses remains a challenge: Fayetteville Shale as a case study. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health.
- Entrekin, S., Trainor, A., Saiers, J., Patterson, L., Maloney, K., Fargione, J., Kiesecker, J., Baruch-Mordo, S., Nicot, J.P., Konschnik, K., Wiseman, H., Ryan, J. 2018. Water stress from high volume hydraulic fracturing threatens aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services in Arkansas, U.S. Environmental Science and Technology.
- Baker, L.*, Evans-White, M., and Entrekin, S. 2018. Basin vulnerability explains patterns of biological degradation in small streams in the Fayetteville Shale, AR. Ecological Indicators.
- Craig, L., Olden, J., Arthington, A., Entrekin, S. Hawkins, C., Kelly, J., Kennedy, T., Maitland, M., Rosi, E., Roy, A., Strayer, D., Tank, J., West, A., Wooten, M. 2017. The science and management of multiple, interacting threats in freshwater ecosystems. Elem Sci Anth, 5.
- Kelso, J.* and Entrekin, S. 2018. Intermittent and perennial macroinvertebrate communities had similar richness but differed in species trait composition depending on flow duration. Hydrobiologia, 807(1), 189-206.
- Austin, B J*, Scott E, Massey L, Evans-White M A, Entrekin S, Haggard B E. 2017. Unconventional natural gas development did not result in detectable changes in water chemistry (within the South Fork Little Red River). Environmental monitoring and assessment 189 (5): 209.
- Lauren A. Patterson, Kate Konschnik, Hannah Wiseman, Joe Fargione, Kelly O. Maloney, Joe Kiesecker, Jean-Philippe Nicot, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Sally Entrekin, Anne Trainor, James E. Saiers. 2017. Unconventional Oil and Gas Spills: Risks, Mitigation Priorities and State Reporting Requirements. Environmental Science and Technology.
- Maloney, Kelly, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Lauren A. Patterson, Jean-Philippe Nicot, S. Entrekin, Joe Fargione, Joe Kiesecker, Kate Konschnik, Joseph N. Ryan, Anne Trainor, James E. Saiers, Hannah Wiseman. 2017. Unconventional oil and gas spills: materials, volumes and risks to surface waters in four states of the U.S. Science of the Total Environment.
- Halvorson*, H. E. Scott*, S. Entrekin, M. Evans-White, T. Scott. 2016. Light and dissolved phosphorus interactively affect leaf litter microbial metabolism, stoichiometry and decomposition. Freshwater Biology 61 (6): 1006-1019.
- Tyree, M.*, N. Clay, S. Polaskey*, S. Entrekin. 2016. Salt in our streams: Even small sodium additions can have negative effects on detritivores. Hydrobiologia 775 (1): 109-122.
- Entrekin, S., K. Maloney, K. Kapo, A. Walters, M. Evans-White, K. Klemow. 2015. Stream vulnerability to widespread and emerging stressors: a focus on unconventional oil and gas. PLOS ONE.
- Johnson, E.*, B. Austin*, E. Inlander, C. Gallipeau, M. Evans-White, and S. Entrekin. 2015. Stream macroinvertebrate communities across a gradient of natural gas development in the Fayetteville Shale. Science of The Total Environment 530: 323-332.
- Austin, B. J.*, N. Hardgrave*, E. Inlander, C. Gallipeau, S. Entrekin, and M. A. Evans-White. 2015. Stream primary producers relate positively to watershed natural gas measures in north-central Arkansas streams. Science of The Total Environment 529: 54-64.
- Fuller, C.*, M. Evans-White, S. Entrekin. 2015. Growth and stoichiometry of a common aquatic detritivore respond to changes in resource stoichiometry. Oecologia, 177(3): 837-848.
- Halvorson, H.*, C. Fuller*, S. Entrekin, M. Evans-White. 2015. Dietary influences on production, stoichiometry and decomposition of particulate wastes from shredders. Freshwater Biology, 60(3): 466-478.
- Burton Jr., G. Jr., N. Basu, B. Ellis, K. Kapo, S. Entrekin, and K, Nadelhoffer. 2014. Hydraulic "fracking", are surface water impacts a concern? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8): 1679-1689.
- Tiegs, S., S. Entrekin, G. Reeves, D. Kuntzsch, R. Merritt. 2013. Litter decomposition, and associated invertebrate communities, in wetland ponds of the Copper River Delta, Alaska (USA). Wetlands 33:1153- 1161.
- Fuell, A.*, S. Entrekin, S. Owen, S. Owen. 2013. Drivers of leaf decomposition in two wetland types in the Arkansas River Valley, U.S.A. Wetlands 33(6): 1127-1137.
- Mitchell, D.*, S. Entrekin, G. Adams. 2012. Structure and function of large wood in Ozark headwater streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 27(3): 335-349.
- Hoellein, T., J. Tank, S. Entrekin, E. Rosi-Marshall, M. Stephen, and G. Lamberti. 2012. Effects of benthic habitat restoration on nutrient uptake and ecosystem metabolism in three headwater streams. River Research and Applications 28: 1451-1461.
- Entrekin, S., M. Evans-White, B. Johnson, and E. Hagenbuch. 2011. Rapid expansion of natural gas development poses a threat to surface waters. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9(9): 503-511.
- Tank, J.L., E. Rosi-Marshall, N. Griffiths, S. Entrekin, and M. Stephen. 2010. A review of allochthonous organic matter dynamics and metabolism in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(1): 118-146.
- Entrekin, S., J. Tank, E. Rosi-Marshall, T. Hoellein, and G. Lamberti. 2009. Responses in macroinvertebrate secondary production to large wood addition in three Michigan streams. Freshwater Biology 54: 1741-1748.
- Hoellein, T., J. Tank, E. Rosi-Marshall, and S. Entrekin. 2009. Temporal variation in substratum-specific rates of N uptake and metabolism and their relative contribution at the reach scale. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28(2): 305-318.
- Entrekin S., J. Tank, E. Rosi-Marshall, T. Hoellein, and G. Lamberti. 2008. Responses in organic matter accumulation and processing to an experimental wood addition in three headwater streams. Freshwater Biology 53(8): 1642-1657.
- Entrekin, S., E. Rosi-Marshall, J. Tank, T. Hoellein, and G. Lamberti. 2007. Macroinvertebrate secondary production in forested sand-bottom streams of the Upper Midwest. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(3):472-490.
- Entrekin, S., J.B. Wallace, and S. Eggert. 2007. The response of chironomids (Diptera) to a long-term exclusion of terrestrial organic matter. Hydrobiologia 575:401-413.
- Winterbourn, M., W. Chadderton, S. Entrekin, J. Harding and J. Tank. 2007. Distribution and dispersal of adult stream insects in a heterogeneous montane environment. Fundamental and Applied Ecology 168(2): 127-135.
- Hoellein, T., J. Tank, E. Rosi-Marshall, S. Entrekin, and G. Lamberti. 2007. Controls on spatial and temporal variation of nutrient uptake in three headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Limnology & Oceanography 52(5), 1964-165.
- Entrekin, S., S. Golladay, D. Batzer. 2001. The influence of plant community on chironomid secondary production in two wetland types: cypress-gum swamps and grass-sedge marshes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 152(3): 369-394.
- Golladay, S., K.Watt, S. Entrekin, and J.Battle. 2000. Hydrologic and geomorphic controls on suspended particulate organic concentrations in Ichawaynochaway Creek, Georgia, USA. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149: 655-678.
Book Chapters
- Golladay, S., S. Entrekin, and B. Taylor. 1999. Forested Limesink Wetlands in southwest GA: Habitat use and hydrologic variation. 197-216. In: D.P. Batzer, R.B. Radar, and S.A. Wissinger (eds). Invertebrates of Freshwater Wetlands of North America: Ecology and Management. John Wiley and Sons.
- Lamberti, GL, S. Entrekin, N. Griffiths, and S. Tiegs. CPOM Storage, Transport, and Retention. Chapter 26. Methods in Stream Ecology. Third Edition. Academic Press.
- Evans-White, MA, C. Bauer, and S. Entrekin. When nutrients become contaminants in detrital systems: identifying detrital endpoints to expand the U.S. regulatory framework. Contaminants and Ecological Subsidies at the Land-Water Interface. In press: January 29, 2020.
Header photo taken by Bob Bachand