Outdoor Learning
Aquatic Entomology
ENT 4354
Aquatic Entomology is taught every other year for upper division biology, entomology, and water science students and graduate students. The course emphasizes on the biology (morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior,origin, and distribution), life history, ecology, taxonomy, nomenclature and evolutionary relationships among the aquatic insect orders. The lab part of the course will emphasize collecting techniques, identification, and curation of aquatic insects.

Freshwater Biomonitoring
ENT 4484
Freshwater Biomonitoring emphasizes the concepts and practices of using freshwater macroinvertebrates to monitor the environmental health of freshwater ecosystems. Students will investigate the effects of different types of pollution and environmental stress on assemblages of organisms and underlying ecological principles: such as the role of biological studies in environmental regulation. Students will learn study design, field and laboratory methods, data analysis and interpretation, and develop presentation skills. This course is offered every other year.
Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara (ITESO)
“Simulación de sistemas ambientales” (Biological indicators of water quality in surface waters)
Descripción del curso: Este curso cubre hidrología de agua dulce, ecología y métodos para monitorear y restaurar la calidad del agua. La parte 1 del curso se centrará en la hidrología y la parte 2 se centrará en la evaluación biológica y los métodos de restauración. Se requerirán viajes de campo y trabajo de laboratorio.
Los resultados del aprendizaje:
Familiarícese con los organismos de agua dulce que apoyan los procesos del ecosistema.
Identificar las amenazas a la calidad y cantidad de agua dulce en América del Norte.
Reconocer su propia posición en materia ambiental como ciudadanos, actores sociales y futuros profesionales.
Aplicar ciertos principios de ética ambiental para hacer frente a importantes problemas ambientales.
Course description: This course covers freshwater hydrology, ecology, and methods for monitoring and restoring water quality. Part 1 of the course will focus on hydrology and part 2 will focus on biological assessment and restoration methods. Field trips and laboratory work will be required.
Learning Outcomes:
- Become familiar with freshwater organisms that support ecosystem processes.
- Identify threats to freshwater quality and quantity in North America.
- Recognize their own position in environmental issues as citizens, social actors, and future professionals.
- Apply certain principles of environmental ethics in order to to deal with important environmental issues.